Risk Monitoring
Risk Monitoring

Machine learning is not a separate technological branch. It comes as a subfield of broader AI technology that delivers an effective way of improving risk assessment strategies. It helps eCommerce and Fintech combat evolving types of fraud with scammers regularly bringing new emerging scam schemes.

ML-based solutions come with complex algorithms that can process enormous datasets within shorter timeframes. The main goal is to quickly detect potential mismatches and anomalies that are associated with account takeover, identity theft, credit card fraud, and other types of fraudulent operations. Businesses can benefit from a powerful anti-fraud instrument.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of machine learning for fraud prevention, its limitations, and its application across various financial fields.

Defining Machine Learning for Fraud Detection

ML-based technologies can be found in a growing number of apps, online services, government, and eCommerce fraud detection. They help to recognize and stop sophisticated, frequently automated fraudulent activities that might compromise business infrastructure and sensitive user data.

Machine learning models are trained on previous fraud data (attack attempts, sources, methods, etc.) to detect fraud risks. ML-based algorithms identify trends and dynamically modify safety approaches and risk assessments to stop fraudulent efforts, even if they employ advanced techniques.

  • ML solutions create and use more intricate rules than traditional systems. ML algorithms analyze past fraud data, uncover patterns and relationships, and build models to identify these patterns in future datasets.
  • ML systems predict criminal actions by spotting anomalies, subtle and unusual behavior that might escape human notice but deviate from the norm, indicating potential fraud.
  • ML-powered solutions improve over time, refining their models as they process new data. They adapt quickly to new fraud scenarios, updating existing rules automatically without human intervention.

Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence

ML and AI have some common features. However, they are different at their core. Machine learning is a subset of AI that is associated with computer systems able to mimic the way people think or act, like creative idea generation or problem-solving. Most tech products claim AI uses it to identify and perform tasks under certain conditions. Task automation is a common AI feature.

Machine learning is a specific AI application that enables computers to learn from past data without explicit instructions. Some instruments for fraud detection monitor live data and react accordingly in cases of spotted anomalies. Initially, machine learning determines AI triggers by examining historical data.

Advantages of Using Machine Learning for Fraud Detection

Companies lose millions of dollars because of fraud featuring eCommerce and Fintech firms that deal with daily operations across multiple channels. Evolving fraud schemes also make clients vulnerable to scams, which results in decreasing loyalty and trust.

Benefits of using ML for fraud detection include:

  1. Scaling and automation opportunities: systems on ML technologies handle billions of operations at a time. They can promptly respond in real time delivering maximum accuracy. These systems calculate risk scores every time a transaction takes place. It usually takes less than 100 milliseconds.
  2. Optimized operational costs: Advanced ML techniques reduce the risk of human error in fraud detection. As data and experience grow, machine learning results become more accurate.
  3. Continuous fraud prevention: Machine learning can learn continuously. It ensures data processing speed and accuracy. What’s more, ML solutions can spot emerging or new fraudulent patterns faster.

Limitations of Machine Learning for Fraud Detection

ML technologies are not perfect. What’s more, they come with some limitations that businesses need to consider before implementing:

  • Inadequate Data Infrastructure: ML strongly relies on data. Organizations without sufficient data infrastructure may find it difficult to utilize fraud detection systems with ML at their core. The only possible way is to use unsupervised learning, which doesn’t rely on historical data.
  • Diversity: No single ML algorithm fits all fraud detection strategies. Different industries, channels, contexts, and transaction parameters require various methods, variations, combinations, and datasets. As new data emerges, models must adapt. Companies may need a team of data scientists to design and maintain the model.

Blackbox vs Whitebox Machine Learning Models

Black box machine learning models excel in innovation and accuracy but lack transparency and interpretability. Black Boxes produce outputs based on input data but don’t clarify their conclusions. Users can see input and output variables but not the processes in between. Even if visible, humans can’t understand it.

Black Boxes model complex scenarios with deep, non-linear data interactions. Examples include:

  • Deep-learning models.
  • Boosting models.
  • Random forest models.

These models apply high-dimensional, non-linear transformations to input variables, beyond human comprehension. Unlike White Boxes, Black Boxes don’t provide score breakdowns or simple feature relationships.

White box machine learning models allow humans to interpret how they produce outputs, offering insight into the algorithm’s workings.

White Boxes are transparent in:

  • Behavior.
  • Data processing.
  • Weighted variables.
  • Prediction generation.

Examples include linear trees, decision trees, and regression trees.

These models are crucial for projects needing high accountability and reproducibility. White Boxes are vital for:

  • Establishing effective risk assessment in such vulnerable fields as Fintech and eCommerce.
  • Developing robotics and autonomous vehicles that require safety concerns, like self-driving cars and policing robots where errors can be deadly.
  • Scientific research and innovations with clear reproducibility.

White Boxes are also useful for understanding and improving flawed processes.

Machine Learning Approaches in Fraud Prevention

Do machines need human intervention to learn, or can they learn independently? The main approaches to training machine learning algorithms are supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, depending on human involvement and control over the ML training process.

Supervised learning

ML-based fraud detection systems train on large amounts of labeled data, previously annotated with key feature labels. This can include legitimate and fraudulent transaction data labeled as "fraud" or "non-fraud." These labeled datasets, requiring time-consuming manual tagging, provide both input (transaction data) and the desired output (classified examples), allowing algorithms to identify patterns and apply findings to future cases.

Unsupervised learning

These algorithms use unlabeled transaction data, autonomously grouping transactions into clusters based on similarities (shared patterns) and differences (typical vs unusual patterns indicating fraud). This deep learning approach is computationally demanding but necessary for novel fraud attempts without labels.

Reinforcement learning

This trial-and-error method involves multiple training iterations where the algorithm performs fraud detection tasks differently until accurately identifies fraudulent and non-fraudulent attempts. It doesn’t require labeled inputs, making it applicable without prior knowledge of the fraud scenario. However, it demands significant computing power.

Use Cases Applying Machine Learning for Fraud Detection

Using ML systems for fraud detection makes it possible for companies to protect themselves and users from a variety of fraud risks as well as reduce financial losses, and improve trust and satisfaction.

eCommerce Fraud Prevention

Machine learning algorithms analyze transaction data (e.g., time, location, amount) to identify patterns and flag potentially fraudulent transactions in real-time. For example, if a customer’s card is used in distant locations within a short time, the system flags the transactions as suspicious.

Bank Fraud Detection for Compliance

Machine learning models analyze device-specific information (e.g., device model, operating system, IP address) to create a unique “fingerprint” for each user. This helps detect fraudulent activities like account takeovers or multiple accounts linked to a single device.

Account Takeover Prevention for BNPL Firms

Machine learning monitors user login patterns, detecting unusual activities like multiple failed login attempts or logins from new devices, indicating potential account takeovers.

Chargeback Fraud Prevention with Payments

Machine learning identifies patterns of friendly fraud, where customers make a purchase and later claim the transaction was unauthorized or the product wasn’t received. Models analyze factors like customer purchase history, return rates, and chargeback patterns to flag potential cases.

Implementing Machine Learning for Fraud Protection

Companies spend millions on integrating ML-based techniques for more efficient fraud detection and prevention. They apply automated technologies across various platforms and scenarios to improve risk assessment and safety compliance.

Integrating ML solutions into fraud detection systems helps businesses keep customer accounts safe, ensuring their loyalty and reducing financial risks.

Here is how ML fraud detection algorithms are implemented:

  1. Detecting mismatches. ML-based algorithms identify unusual patterns or deviations from typical transaction patterns. They use historical data to train, which makes it possible for them to recognize legitimate transactions and flag fraudulent operations.
  2. Creating risk scoring models. Models that rely on ML evaluate transactions or user accounts to create user profiles. They automatically assign risk points based on various parameters. They may involve transaction amount, time zone, location, and other technical or behavioral attributes. The higher the risk score, the higher the probability of fraud.
  3. Analyzing network attributes. Fraudsters often team up and work in groups. ML approaches usually perform graph analysis to reveal potentially risky networks. The system examines relations between users, accounts, and devices to spot unusual connections or clusters.
  4. Analyzing text attributes. Machine learning algorithms can recognize and sort out unstructured text data (emails, social media posts, customer reviews) to identify patterns or keywords that might be associated with fraud.
    5 Performing adaptive learning. ML-based solutions can learn and adapt. As fraud schemes evolve, machine learning models can train over and over again using new data being able to detect new fraudulent patterns.

Implementing machine learning in fraud prevention improves risk assessment, minimizes false positives, and enhances overall digital safety and customer experience.


Does machine learning comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR?

To comply with GDPR, ML systems should follow established safety guidelines associated with collecting, storing, and processing user data. Apart from regular audits and data safety assessments, companies must ensure proper consent.

What expertise is needed to implement machine learning for fraud in-house?

To implement ML solutions for in-house use, the team must have enough expertise in data science. It helps not only develop but also train models. Understanding fraud detection processes is also necessary.

What other external fraud detection tools can machine learning integrate with?

Companies can integrate ML systems with already existing anti-fraud toolkits. For instance, ML techniques can be blended with biometric, technical, or behavioral analysis.

What data formats does machine learning for fraud accept beyond transactions?

ML can analyze different parameters of user behavior by accepting various data formats. The idea is to spot anomalies and mismatches that are a sign of potential fraud risks. Risk assessment teams get a chance to quickly respond to potential threats.