Solutions for New Account Fraud: Detection & Prevention Strategies

Discover key strategies to prevent fraudulent account openings. Utilize solutions like device fingerprinting and behavior analysis to stop account creation abuse.

New account fraud presents a significant and growing challenge within the financial sector, especially in Fintech. Account opening involves the creation of fake accounts through identity theft or falsified credentials. It may lead to harmful outcomes for both financial institutions and customers.

With the increasing shift towards digital transactions, new account fraud has become more sophisticated and widespread. It poses niche-specific risks to businesses’ financial stability and the confidentiality of customer data.

To effectively address this rising issue, companies must adopt proactive strategies that involve new account fraud prevention means. This includes implementing robust identity verification procedures, utilizing advanced technologies like biometric authentication and machine learning algorithms, and promoting collaboration among industry stakeholders.

Additionally, educating account holders about the importance of account security and empowering them to identify and report suspicious activity are essential steps in combating this pervasive threat. Ultimately, addressing the escalating problem of new account fraud requires a united effort from organizations and consumers, working together to uphold the integrity and security of the financial ecosystem.

The Growing Problem of New Account Fraud

New account fraud takes place whenever a criminal initiates a new account using a fake identity. Subsequently, scammers secure access to credit, enabling them to conduct illicit transactions or engage in money laundering.

Virtually any organization reliant on account credentials for customer transactions or service access is susceptible to new account fraud. Financial institutions, online banks, and e-commerce platforms, in particular, face increased vulnerability to this particular type of fraudulent activity. Typically, criminals target high-value products or financial institutions with elevated risk, anticipating larger payoffs.

How New Account Fraud Works

The nature behind new account fraud starts with an account origination attack, seeking unauthorized access to a system, service, or online account owned by a legitimate user. During the attack, a fraudster collects sensitive victim data through social engineering or by exploiting information exposed in a separate data breach.

As a result, a criminal creates a synthetic identity used to take advantage of financial services. TA fraudsters may execute unauthorized transactions, apply for loans and credit lines, or exploit acquired credentials to infiltrate deeper into company data.

New Account Fraud Red Flags

With each red flag, companies may find it simpler to recognize potential fraud risks. It strengthens their decision-making process as well as keeps both revenues and customer data safe. However, fraudulent schemes are becoming more complex and tough to recognize. This is why businesses need to implement up-to-date new account fraud prevention solutions. Here are some of the most popular signs of new account fraud going on:

  • Detection of Irregular Social Security Numbers: Social security numbers that seem recently issued or fail to align with other application details suggest potential new account fraud. For instance, an individual aged 25+ has an established SSN but changed address recently. It may signal a fabricated account.
  • Identification of Suspicious Addresses: Listing residential addresses as PO boxes or mail drop locations also looks potentially suspicious. Moreover, fraudsters often utilize their legitimate addresses alongside fake user accounts to hide any sign of identity theft.
  • Recognition of Unusual Account Activity: Fraudsters typically delay deposits for approximately a 30-day period. They also initiate small deposits and withdrawals initially to make it look like a natural activity. Companies need to scrutinize this initial period for all new accounts and detect anomalies like significant cash inflows followed by rapid withdrawals.
  • Monitoring Activity at Unusual Times: Fraudsters tend to target heightened vulnerability, such as weekends, holidays, or banking day-offs. They do so as little staff monitors fraudulent activity. Deposits made before a banking holiday on Fridays or Saturdays provide criminals with extra time for withdrawals before the fraud is detected.

Keeping in mind all these indicators and promptly investigating any suspicious activities helps companies detect and prevent new account fraud. However, just tracking red flags is not enough. Companies still need a more sufficient and comprehensive anti-fraud toolkit to ensure full-scale risk reduction.

Consequences of New Account Fraud

New account fraud comes with significant challenges and consequences for both organizations and everyday users. It is crucial to implement robust security measures and proactive fraud prevention strategies. Otherwise, the consequences may be disastrous.

Risks and Liabilities for Banks

When we say banks, we also mean financial institutions. New account fraud can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Financial losses. Companies face significant financial setbacks due to new account fraud, covering expenses for investigating fraudulent activities, compensating affected customers, and implementing advanced security measures to prevent risks in the future.
  2. Reputation Damage: Criminals can easily ruin their reputations. It leads to a loss of consumer trust and confidence. Negative publicity surrounding security breaches and fraud may result in lasting reputational harm that is hard to restore.

Merchant Accountability

The consequences can be dreadful to not only organizations but also customers themselves because of the following:

  1. Identity Theft Concerns: New account fraud frequently involves the theft or misuse of personal information. It results in identity theft for affected users. This can also lead to various consequences, including unauthorized access to financial accounts, fraudulent credit applications, and negative impacts on credit scores.
  2. Customer Disruption: Criminals cause significant disruption and inconvenience for affected customers, encompassing unauthorized transactions, account blockage, and the need to update personal information and security measures.

We should also take into account other negative consequences. They involve customers’ emotional distress that influences their buying willingness, the decline in purchasing confidence, and operational disruption.

Efficient Ways to Detect and Prevent New Account Fraud

In the fast-paced world of financial technology, thwarting new account fraud is essential to maintaining platform integrity and safeguarding customer finances. To combat the diverse range of new account fraud schemes, firms need to employ a multifaceted strategy integrating advanced technology, thorough verification procedures, and proactive measures.

Enhanced Identity Verification

Businesses need to implement rigorous identity verification protocols utilizing cutting-edge technologies. They include biometric authentication, document validation, and facial recognition. These measures help validate the identity of new account holders, thereby reducing the risk of synthetic identity fraud.

ehavioral Analysis

The use of sophisticated behavioral analytics helps to detect irregular patterns or anomalies during the account creation process. By analyzing factors such as IP addresses, device fingerprints, and user behavior, companies can flag potential fraud risks and take preemptive action to mitigate them.

AI-Driven Fraud Prevention

When harnessing machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, companies can scrutinize extensive datasets and identify patterns associated with fraudulent activity. These adaptive algorithms continually learn from emerging fraud trends, enhancing the efficacy of fraud detection systems.

Holistic Data Evaluation

With real-time transaction monitoring, businesses identify any unusual or suspicious activities associated with newly established accounts. By monitoring account transactions in real time, firms can promptly identify and address potential instances of fraud.

KYC Regulations Compliance

Companies need to adhere to Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations and conduct comprehensive client onboarding. By verifying customer identities and evaluating their risk profiles, organizations can minimize the risk of fraudulent account creation.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Businesses should mandate two-factor authentication for both new account creation and subsequent logins. 2FA (or MFA - multi-factor authentication) adds an extra layer of security, verifying the legitimacy of users and deterring unauthorized access to accounts.

Manual Review Processes

Integrating manual review procedures for accounts flagged as potentially fraudulent by automated systems can be a good solution. Trained fraud analysts can conduct thorough investigations and make informed decisions based on their findings, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of fraud prevention measures.

Customer Education and Awareness

Companies need to train customers on the importance of account security and how to identify and report fraudulent activity. It also means empowering users to take proactive measures in safeguarding their accounts strengthens overall fraud prevention efforts.

In conclusion, preventing new account fraud calls for a comprehensive and proactive approach that integrates advanced technology, rigorous verification processes, and up-to-date measures. JuicyScore is the industry’s leading anti-fraud solution that helps businesses across different verticals keep their data and customers safe.

Key Features of Juicyscore’s Solution Against Account Opening Fraud

At the heart of JuicyScore are cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. It is a whole package of fraud prevention solutions designed to assist companies in stopping any kind of unauthorized manipulation with new accounts:

  • Up-to-Date AI-Driven Algorithms. The software builds an accurate end-user profile based on a range of tech data and behavioral features by utilizing hundreds of distinct device authentication criteria.
  • ML-Powered Methods to Reduce the Risk of Fraud. The process of instantly identifying risks runs on autopilot. The system uses hundreds of user devices' settings, features, and indicators to compute technical data. They facilitate the monitoring, evaluation, and analysis of network infrastructure.

It all helps to perform automatic data analysis via an integrated data vector. Light yet powerful, it processes enough information to assess operating system architecture, client accounts, Android and iOS device connectivity, etc. Its main goal is to assist organizations in increasing the efficacy of decision-making.

Device Profiling & Fingerprinting

Our solution analyzes and processes many primary and secondary characteristics that could be linked to potentially fraudulent activities. Key device-assisted data can be tracked by JuicyScore for the best possible device fingerprinting.

In order to enable precise fingerprinting, our data vector examines crucial elements like RAM, screen size, display quality, kind of carrier (tablet, desktop, laptop, or mobile), and more.

User Behavior Evaluation

The system notifies online retailers when it detects any irregularity that would indicate a new account fraud. Teams spot anomalies and suspicious actions such as randomization, device cloning, remote access, and other routing strategies. Based on behavioral patterns, it aids in the prompt detection and prevention of various types of suspicious activities.

How It Works

JuicyScore represents industry's leading anti-fraud technologies that work across a variety of industries. We constantly develop our solution to make it meet businesses’ requirements. Our solution does not collect user personal data. It processes and analyzes behavioral and device-assisted parameters to enrich companies’ decision-making process.

Real-Time Fraud Detection

The behavioral and technological datasets are evaluated by the system. It uses ML and AI technology to continuously enhance its algorithms for detecting fraud. Processing relies on a number of aggregated criteria, including dwell/flight times, average typing or content reading speeds, devices used for extended periods of time on the same source, duplicate or randomly selected devices, and other behaviorally significant information.

Smooth Signup Experience

JuicyScore recognizes potentially fake IDs and credentials. It generates and computes 214 settings, characteristics, and device-assisted indicators for technical and behavioral metrics. They deal with the network infrastructure, the quality of the Internet connection, and other carefully considered and evaluated factors.

Lifecycle Fraud Coverage

We establish a comprehensive strategy for insurance providers and financial organizations to combat several forms of new account fraud over the course of an account's or policy's lifetime. This strategy entails putting fraud prevention measures in place at every turn, from the first application or account opening to continuous fraud activity monitoring and detection, as well as handling and minimizing fraud incidences.

Get Started with JuicyScore Today

Our experienced team is ready to assist businesses at any stage of the JuicyScore solution implementation process. Use our state-of-the-art anti-fraud toolkit in three simple steps:

  1. Install JavaScript or the SDK according to your platform.
  2. Complete the fundamental setups in accordance with your business's needs.
  3. Start gathering and analyzing the data in a matter of seconds.

Kindly contact us to schedule a demo.


What is new account fraud and why is it a threat?

A new account fraud is similar to an account takeover. However, it has some differences, as criminals not just create fake identities, but also use stolen credentials to take advantage of online services and products.

How can you detect fraudulent account registrations?

There are several red flags that are associated with new account fraud. They include information mismatches, suspicious contact details as well and abnormal user behavior.

How do AI and machine learning aid in identifying fake accounts?

AI and ML-driven technologies analyze thousands of different factors and parameters. It lets them spot anomalies that are a sign of potential fraud. Besides, modern technologies utilize previous fraud experience to detect specific patterns and scammers’ algorithms.